Mufti Menk Bio Age Height Networth Education Wife 2024

Last Updated:9 months ago

Mufti Ismail ibn Musa Menk is a Zimbabwean Islamic scholar of Indian origin. He is the Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe's Muslim community, which makes up roughly 1% of the country's total population, and head of the fatwa department for the Council of Islamic Scholars of Zimbabwe. He was named one of The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the world by the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought in Jordan in 2013, 2014 and 2017.

Image of Mufti Menk

How old is Mufti Menk?

He is 49 years 2 Month(s) 23 day(s) old.

How tall is Mufti Menk?

He is In feet: 6 feet, In meter: 1.829m, In centimeter: 182.88cm and In inch: 72 inches tall.

Mufti Menk Biography and Wiki:

He is a professional Zimbabwean Islamic Scholar, Islamic Speaker, Motivational speaker. His nickname is Mufti Menk. Do you know? What is the Date of birth of Mufti Menk? Where was born Mufti Menk? He was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (present-day Harare, Zimbabwe) on 27 June, 1975 (Friday) . Everybody want to know that how much age of Mufti Menk? Age of Mufti Menk is 49 years 2 Month(s) 23 day(s) old. Every person searched that what is the Country, Nationality and Continent of Mufti Menk? His Country name is Zimbabwe, Nationality is Zimbabwean and Africa Continent. Always came question from mind that What religion does Mufti Menk belong to? He belong to Islam Religion.

Mufti Menk Height , Weight and Physical Stats:

Do you want to know about Physical Stats of Mufti Menk? Then here is the right information for you. The Height of Mufti Menk is In feet: 6 feet, In meter: 1.829m, In centimeter: 182.88cm and In inch: 72 inches & Weight is 70 Kg. Also His eye color is Dark. & hair color is Black.

Mufti Menk Education:

Most of the people search on google for Where studied Mufti Menk? Mufti Menk studied from college- St. John's College (Harare), Kantharia Darul Uloom, Gujarat ; universitiy- Islamic University of Madinah. What is Educational Qualification of Mufti Menk? So for your kind information, His Educational Qualification is completed his religious education and Mufti course.

Mufti Menk Family & Relationship status:

As a Celebrity, many people search on google for His family information. So His father name is Maulana Musa Ibrahim Menk If you need to know marital status of Mufti Menk, He got married . His wife name is he do not tell about his wife. Also Mufti Menk son(s) name is Do not share name. But has 2 sons and daughter(s) name is Do not share name. But has 7 daughters.

Mufti Menk Net worth & Luxury:

The most valuable thing, which you must need to know the Mufti Menk Net Worth & Luxury information. According to our analysis, Wikipedia, Forbes & Business Insider: The Net Worth of Mufti Menk is around 6 Million US dollars. Check the below table for more details about His Luxury information.


After completed his studies, he returned to Zimbabwe from Saudi Arabia, where he began giving lectures and leading Friday prayers at the mosque in his hometown of Harare. He immediately acquired a standing as a moving and proficient speaker, and started giving talks and driving studios the nation over.

In addition to his work in Zimbabwe, he is also a popular speaker at Islamic conferences and events around the world. He has delivered lectures in countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, South Africa and Australia. Many worldwide universities and Islamic institutions has invited to speak.

He is also active on social network and has a large following on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. He regularly given posts videos and articles on various Islamic topics, and is known for his concise and easy-to-understand explanations of complex concepts.

Also he is the director of the Daarul Ilm of Zimbabwe, a non-profit organization that runs madrasahs, orphanages and schools in Zimbabwe.


We have share 21+ quotes of Mufti Menk:

  1. Don't let past mistakes make you lose hope of achieving good. Some of those with the worst past have made a great future for themselves.
  2. My heart is too valuable to allow hatred and jealousy to rent a spot.
  3. Don't be distracted by the noise going on. Pause & reflect. You'll realize how much time you've wasted on all that nonsense around you.
  4. Whatever you do, be gentle. People might have forgiven your harsh words but they may never forget how it stabbed their heart at that time!.
  5. Obstacles on our path are some of the tests of life. They make us stronger, better people and open up doors we had never imagined.
  6. When you strive in the way of the Almighty, you don't worry about being accepted or having the approval of others. You know your priority.
  7. ‪So you've been having a tough time. You don't know how long more you can hold on. Remember bad days don't last forever. Keep patience alive!
  8. Get up to pray in the dark when all are asleep and see how your path is lit and your life begins to shine.
  9. The tongue can cut deeper than the sword or heal faster than in the ward.
  10. A sincere call to the Almighty can change what you may have thought was impossible to change. Never lose hope.
  11. He who disagrees with you could be correct whilst he who cheers you on could be making a mistake. Ponder.
  12. Check yourself often and correct your faults. Quit blaming others. Take responsibility for your own life. That's the only way you can grow!
  13. You will be offended by some people at some point in your life. Don’t take it to heart. Don’t keep it inside you. Holding on to hurt and pain will only harm you in the long run. Choose to forgive. Release the baggage of your past. Let it go and let the Almighty heal you!
  14. Stop putting yourself down. Stop doubting how far you’ve come. Stop regretting the choices you’ve made. Satan will make you think otherwise. His job is to make you miserable and depressed. Don’t cave in. Always encourage, support and believe in yourself. That’s the way forward!
  15. Life can be difficult if all you see is everything that’s wrong. Start focusing on what’s right, what’s good, what’s constructive. No matter what you’re facing, if you choose a positive mindset, you’ll emerge the winner. So if you want to feel better, you’ve got to think better!
  16. The truth is we all need encouragement & motivation. Everybody needs somebody to cheer them on, someone who sees the best in you. There are too many people putting others down in this world. Be a positive influence in someone’s life.
  17. Svi činimo greške. Ne pretvaraj se da si bolji od ostalih. Njima daj šansu da isprave, kako bi nas On uputio da ispravimo svoje.
  18. Know your self-worth. You might feel unwanted & unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another.  Spend time with those who value you. No matter how good you are to others, there’ll always be that one negative person who criticizes you.  Smile, carry on & do your thing!
  19. Be mindful of your reactions. When you’re negative, it will bring about negative consequences. Always choose kindness, love and compassion over anger, pride, jealousy, arrogance and malice. Learn to respond in a positive manner. It will have a huge impact on your life!
  20. No matter what’s going on, always uphold decent character & conduct. Let them criticise, let them pick on petty issues, let them say nasty things. Be good, be kind-hearted even if they are not. Remember there’s Judgement Day! They’ll pay their dues on The Day of Recompense.
  21. How can you stay positive in a world that’s really quite bleak out there? Let’s admit it. It can be rather difficult at times. But the bottom line is: you should always thank the Almighty for what you have and trust Him for all your needs. Never doubt what He can do!
  22. The bottom line is: you really can't count on people to motivate and build you up in life. Everyone is so caught up in their own lives that they have little or no time for others. Learn to encourage yourself and remember not to leave the Almighty out of the equation!.

People Also ask

Is mufti menk pakistani?

No, He is a Zimbabwean.

Is mufti menk sunni or shia?

He is a sunni Muslim.

Is mufti menk a hafiz?

Yes, He is a Hafiz.

Is mufti menk hanafi?

He has been identified as a Deobandi as well as a Salafi by different sources, though he has not publicly acknowledged his involvement in either movement.

Mufti Menk Favorite Things:

Some of people want to know about Mufti Menk's' hobbies and favorite things. Mufti Menk's' hobbies is Reading, Speaking & also favourite foods is Milk, sweet. Finally Mufti Menk favourite colors is White.

Mufti Menk Social Media:

Many people finding that what is the real link of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ) of Mufti Menk. Following table given His all real social media links.

Mufti Menk Picturs:


What is the profession of Mufti Menk?

His profession is Islamic Scholar, Islamic Speaker, Motivational speaker.

What is the real name of Mufti Menk?

His real name is Ismail ibn Musa Menk.

Where was Mufti Menk Born?

He was born in Salisbury, Rhodesia (present-day Harare, Zimbabwe).

What is the Date of Birth of Mufti Menk?

The date of birth is 27 June, 1975 (Friday) of Mufti Menk.

Who are parents of Mufti Menk?

His parents are Maulana Musa Ibrahim Menk

Who is wife of Mufti Menk?

His wife name is he do not tell about his wife.

Who are childrens of Mufti Menk?

His childrens are Do not share name. But has 2 sons & Do not share name. But has 7 daughters

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